For Editors

 Sciforce Group recognizes the substance of an Editorial Board. The Editorial Board serves an important responsibility in the process of open access pulications at Sciforce Group. The Editorial Board consists of Editors who are experts in their respective fields. These Editors build huge contributions in maintaining the quality, integrity and content of journal publications. The Sciforce Editorial Board follows a strict set of guidelines.

An Editor is responsible for managing the style and content of a journal publication. Each Editor will be a member of an Editorial Board in his/her area of expertise. These guidelines help to ensure that each Editor on the Editorial Board follows the same principles.


Editor Responsibilities

Sciforce Publications aims to keep the process of editing and peer reviewing efficient and confidential. The Sciforce Editorial Board will respond rapidly and is predictable to help minimize delays in the process from the time a manuscript is submitted until the time of publication. Here are some points for the Sciforce Editorial Board to follow during the assessment of a manuscript:

The Sciforce Editorial Board is responsible for the quality of the content published in the journal. They also must strive to set higher standards for the journal, whenever possible.

Editors must ensure the quality of each manuscript. This includes, ensuring that the content is original and scientific details are valid.

Editors must ensure that the work rendered meets internationally approved ethical guidelines. There must be proper citation and the original source of the content should be named.

The Sciforce Editorial Board will protect all confidential data regarding manuscript submissions. If the author has used information involving human subjects, the Editorial Board must ensure that the author obtained written consent.

If the Sciforce Editorial Board suspects any misconduct or misuse of the rules or data, the board will delay the visibility of the published or the unpublished manuscript until the issue is satisfactorily resolved.

The policy of the Sciforce Editorial Board

Sciforce strives to maintain the reliability and the integrity of open access journals while maintaining content quality and relevancy. The Editorial Board must work to satisfy the interest of the readers. The Editorial Board has full freedom to conclude the process for manuscript subscription evaluation, along with the content published to each journal. There will be no changes or interference of any sort regarding the final decisions of the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board will continuously strive to maintain all research ethical standards. They will protect copyrights and confidential data. Each member of the Editorial Board will adhere to a skillful peer reviewing process. Each member will also complete assigned editing work in a timely manner.

The decisions of the Sciforce Editorial Board must never be influenced by any external factors, (i.e. the origin, nationality, race, gender, ethnicity, religion or political views of the author). The validity and the quality of the content presented are the only grounds for evaluation

Editorial article.

Editorial article, it is an article that tends to contain and explain author's ideas, opinions. This piece of writing can be on any topic, subject on a current trend. It usually may be deals with social issues or scientific issues or both. Just like in your research paper, you have to provide enough credible evidence to support your opinion, typically about 500 words.

Before writing an editorial article a detailed research has to be conducted ahead to discover a particular point of view an author wishes to argue. An editorial must contain both problems description and possible solutions to it. When writing about the issue associated with obese population, the writer should end up giving specific recommendations on how to deal with this problem or an issue. He can develop a message for both those who suffer from this disorder and healthcare professionals who should handle it.

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